About the company

Behind us stands experience

Our company has existed and actively operates in the market of electrical power installations since 1998.

We combine the experience gained with a wide range of services and a rich portfolio of completed facilities. In our structure there are the following departments:

  • commercial
  • design
  • execution of cubature objects
  • realization of low-voltage, medium-voltage and HV line objects
  • production of LV and MV switchgears,
  • renewable energy sources (PV, energy storage),
  • automation and system integration,
  • fire safety,
  • logistics
  • HR and administration
  • legal
On the basis of the design office existing since 1993, BLAKS S.A. is established. - a company providing design and implementation services
Applying the first EiB building automation solution. The company is becoming a leader in the implementation of this technology in completed facilities
First realizations based on LED technology
Implementation of one of the largest logistics facilities - Amazon in Bielany Wrocławskie
Hiring more than 50 people of which more than 30 employees are engineering staff.
A stand-alone automation and system integration department is being created within the design studio - a response to the increased importance of this technology in our customers' facilities
The beginning of cooperation with Zalando, which will result in the joint construction of 4 centers (Gardno, Głuchów, America, Bydgoszcz) in the following years.
Our growth has resulted in another increase in employment, we hire over 100 employees
Start of expansion of the production department of LV and MV electrical switchgear. Together with Sarel, start prefabrication of MV switchgear in the field of protection automation.
We obtained Quality Management Certificate which meets the requirements according to PN-EN ISO 9001:2015, Certificate, QMS Policy. Certificate,  QMS Policy Our engineers obtained for the Company ERR 223001 Certificate of VDS Fire Signaling Systems passed the certification process with excellence. The certificate includes E4110122, E7220095 - Fire Alarm Systems and Intrusion Detection Systems Certificate. Certificate Implementation of the largest logistics facility in Poland in the field of electrical power, teletechnical, automation, BMS, PV, external networks, switchgear and fire protection installations according to the VDS standard.